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Here you can view the different projects that WoMEN participates in, and get involved!
Photographic tour of the world​​


This project was created by Astrid Dupont, a French student and photographer. Her goal is to travel all around the world and to visit all the women of the WoMEN network, to tell the impact of the organization on their lives, and to see how far we're going.


So far she has visited Kenya, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Colombia, Canada, and the United States.


For more information visit:

Computer center in Kenya

In order for women all around the world to be able to share all together, they need one thing: access to Internet. And in many countries, they don't have that. 


So we're starting little by building one computer center in Garissa, in Kenya, for women of the region to be able to connect with other women in the whole world and to be a part of the WoMEN organization.


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